His Involvement in the Battle of Badr
Hazrat Saleh Shuqraan (ra) participated in the Battle of Badr. Since he was not free and was in servitude, hence the Holy Prophet (sa) had not allocated a share to him. The Holy Prophet (sa) appointed Hazrat Saleh Shuqraan (ra) to oversee the prisoners. The prisoners he oversaw would themselves give remuneration and so Hazrat Shuqraan (ra) received even more from the spoils of war.
(Sirat ibn Kathir, Baab Zikre Ubaida…pg.750, Darul Kutubil Ilmiyya, 2005, Beirut)
Although he did not have a share allocated from the spoils of war, however, due to this responsibility, he received even more than the spoils of war. After the Battle of Badr, the Holy Prophet (sa) set him free.
(Usdul Ghaaba, Vol. 2, p.392, Shuqraan, Darul-Fikr, 2003, Beirut)