Status as Trustworthy & Dependable
At the Battle of Muraysi, Hazrat Shuqraam (ra) was appointed to oversee the wealth, weapons and livestock etc. that were obtained from the opposing camps.
(Imta-ul-Asmaa, Vol.6, pg.316, Darul Kutubil Ilmiyya, 1999, Beirut).
He was very trustworthy and dependable and would oversee matters. It is mentioned that Hazrat Umar (ra) sent Hazrat Abdur Rahman (ra), who was the son of Hazrat Shuqraan (ra), towards Hazrat Abu Musa Ashari (ra). Hazrat Umar (ra) wrote that I am sending you a pious man, Abdur Rahman son of Saleh Shuqraan, who was a slave freed by the Holy Prophet (sa). Treat him by keeping in consideration the status the Holy Prophet (sa) gave to his father.
(Al-Asabaa, Vol.5, pg.31, Abdur Rehman bin Shuqraan, Darul Kutubil Ilmiyya, 2005, Beirut).
Such was the great status given to slaves by Islam. Islam not only granted freedom to slaves but in fact also gave respect and dignity to their children. One narration mentions that Hazrat Shuqraan (ra) took residence in Medina and he also had a home in Basra. He passed away during the era of the Khilafat of Hazrat Umar (ra).
(Al-Asabaa, Vol.3, pg.285, Shuqraan, Darul Kutubil Ilmiyya, 2005, Beirut), (Imta-ul-Asmaa, Vol.6, pg.316, Darul Kutubil Ilmiyya, 1999, Beirut).