Burial, Funeral Prayer & Lamenting the Departed
Hazrat Hamza (ra) and Hazrat Abdullah bin Jahsh (ra), who was his nephew, were buried in the same grave. At this occasion the Holy Prophet (sa) first of all led the funeral prayer of Hazrat Hamza (ra).
(At-Tabaqat Al-Kubra Li Ibn Sa‘d, Vol. 3, p.6-7, Hamza bin Abdil Muttalib, Darul-Kutub Al-‘Ilmiyyah, 1990, Beirut), (Musnad Ahmad bin Hanbal, Vol. 7, p. 72, Hadith No. 21387, A’alamul Kutub, 1998, Beirut)
Hazrat Abdullah bin Masood (ra) narrates that the Holy Prophet (sa) led the funeral prayer of Hazrat Hamza (ra) with his body present before him. The body of an Ansari companion was placed next to his, then he led their funeral prayer. Then the body of this Ansari companion as taken away and Hazrat Hamza’s body was left there. The Holy Prophet (sa) led the funeral prayer of Hazrat Hamza (ra) seventy times that same day as every time, another companion’s body was brought before him and placed next to that of Hazrat Hamza (ra).
(At-Tabaqat Al-Kubra Li Ibn Sa‘d, Vol. 3, p.11, Hamza bin Abdil Muttalib, Darul-Kutub Al-‘Ilmiyyah, 1990, Beirut)
Hazrat Abu Hurairah (ra) narrates that Hazrat Hamza (ra) was always at the forefront in good treatment to his relatives and carrying out good deeds. After his martyrdom, the Holy Prophet (sa) addressed his body and said:
“May the mercy of Allah be upon you. It seems that there is no other like you in reconciling and performing virtuous deeds. After today there shall be no more grief for you.”
The Companions narrate the impoverished times during the burial of Hazrat Hamza (ra), the uncle of the Holy Prophet (sa) and a brave leader of the Muslims, with great sorrow.
Later on, in the time of prosperity, Hazrat Khabab (ra) would describe those days of hardship saying that Hazrat Hamza (ra) was buried in a single cloth that was unable to fully cover him. Hence, his face was covered and grass was placed over his feet.
(Musnad Ahmad bin Hanbal, Vol. 7, pp. 71-72, Hadith No. 21387, A’alamul Kutub, 1998, Beirut)
Likewise, there is also the similar incident of Hazrat Abdur Rahman bin Auf (ra). Once he was fasting and at the time of the breaking of the fast he was presented extravagant food. When he saw this he recalled the days of hardship. He said:
“Hamza was martyred and he was better than I. We did not even have a full cloth to shroud his body. Then we were granted the prosperity of the world, and were endowed whatever we desired. We fear lest we have been rewarded in this life for the deeds we have carried out.” In other words, “We have received all our rewards in this life.” He then began weeping, so much so that he left his food.
(Sahih Al Bukhari, Kitabul Maghazi, Ghazwah Uhud, Hadith No. 4045)
These were the people with whom Allah Almighty was pleased and who were pleased with Him. In times of prosperity they remembered their brothers, and kept in mind their previous state. Allah Almighty has given them all glad tidings of paradise. May Allah continue to elevate their rank.
In another narration by Hazrat Abdullah bin Umar (ra) it is said that when the Holy Prophet (sa) returned from Uhud he heard that the wives of the Ansar were crying and lamenting over their husbands. The Holy Prophet (sa) said:
“What is the matter that no one weeps over the martyrdom of Hamza.”
When the Ansari women became aware of this, they gathered together to mourn the martyrdom of Hazrat Hamza (ra). Then the Holy Prophet (sa) fell asleep. When he woke up he saw that the women were still weeping in the same manner. The Holy Prophet (sa) said:
“Would they continue to weep the entire day in the name of Hamza? Tell them to return to their homes.”
It was then that the Holy Prophet (sa) instructed them to go to their homes, and from this onward no one shall lament and wail over the death of a departed one.
(Musnad Ahmad bin Hanbal, Vol. 2, pp. 418-419, Hadith No. 5563, A’alamul Kutub, 1998, Beirut)
In this manner the Holy Prophet (sa) declared it unlawful to lament and wail over the deceased. The Holy Prophet (sa) used great wisdom in dealing with the sentiments of the women of the Ansar. Instead of them lamenting the loss of their husbands and brothers, the Holy Prophet (sa) drew their attention towards Hazrat Hamza (sa), which was a great loss to the entire Muslim population and, most of all, to the Holy Prophet (sa).
Then he advised them not to lament and wail over Hazrat Hamza (sa) by presenting his own example. He admonished them to display patience in a manner that left a lasting impression. As for the loss of Hazrat Hamza (sa), the Holy Prophet (sa) felt it until the very end of his life.
Ka‘b bin Malik wrote a eulogy at the martyrdom of Hazrat Hamza (ra) in which he says that his eyes shed tears irrepressibly at the loss of Hazrat Hamza (ra), and indeed it is appropriate to mourn his loss; but what good will come from shrieking, crying and wailing over his loss, for the morning on which the Lion of God was martyred, the world said, a martyr indeed is this valiant one, if there was ever a martyr.