Acceptance of his Prayers Before Martyrdom
According to the historical accounts, “love of God and His Prophet (sa) had made the companions oblivious to all material desires. Their only wish was to sacrifice their lives in God’s cause. Their desire was indeed fulfilled and they became distinguished as ‘Al-Mujjadu Fillah’ (the one who lost his ear in God’s cause).
(Usdul Ghaaba, Vol. 3, p.90, Abdullah bin Jahsh, Darul-Fikr, 2003, Beirut).
In relation to more details about his character, there is a well-known account of how Abdullah(ra) bin Jahsh’s prayers were accepted before he was martyred. Ishaq bin Sa’d(ra) bin Abi Waqas narrates with reference to his father:
“On the day the Battle of Uhud, his father i.e. Sa’d requested Abdullah bin Jahsh to come to one side in order to pray together. They retreated to one side and Sa’d prayed first that ‘O Allah! When I meet the enemy tomorrow, let me face someone who is the most fearsome in battle and commands great aura. Let me fight him and let me kill him for Your sake. Let me seize his weapons.’ Upon this Hazrat Abdullah (ra) bin Jahsh said Ameen. After this Hazrat Abdullah(ra) bin Jahsh prayed: ‘O Allah! When I meet the enemy tomorrow, let me face someone who is most fearsome in battle and commands great aura. Let me kill him, and let him overcome me and kill me and take hold of me and cut off my ears and nose. When I come before You, that You ask me, “O Abdullah! Why have your nose and ears been cut off?” and I should answer: “O Allah, they were severed in Your way and in the way of Your Prophet (sa)”, and you reply, “You indeed speak the truth.”’” Hazrat Sa’d says, “Abdullah bin Jahsh’s prayer was better than mine, because towards the end of the day I saw that his nose and ears were hanging on a thread, meaning that a thread had been through them.”
(Usdul Ghaaba, Vol. 3, p.90, Abdullah bin Jahsh, Darul-Fikr, 2003, Beirut).
This was a cruel practice used by the disbelievers. Even today, some extremist Muslims are indulging in this practice in Islam’s name. Hazrat Muttalib bin Abdullah bin Hantab narrates:
“On the way to Uhad, the Holy Prophet (sa) stayed in a place near Medina called Shaikhain. Hazrat Umme Salma (ra) presented roasted shoulder meat which the Holy Prophet (sa) ate. Then she brought Nabiz, the Holy Prophet (sa) drank from it (I believe it is something similar to a milk-based drink). Someone then took the cup of Nabiz and drank from it and then Abdullah bin Jahsh took the cup and finished it. Another person then said, ‘give me some to drink also, for you know where you are going tomorrow.’ Abdullah (ra) bin Jahsh replied, ‘Yes, I would like to meet my Lord in a quenched state rather than that of thirst.’”
(At-Tabaqat Al-Kubra Li Ibn Sa‘d, Vol. 3, p.50, Dar Ihya At-Turath Al-Arabi, 1996, Beirut).
What wonderful ways the companions had of demonstrating their love for God Almighty and what wonderful preparation they undertook to meet Him.