Introduction (II)
One of the early Companions was Hazrat Abu Ayub Ansari (ra). He was fortunate to have received the honour of being the host of the Holy Prophet (sa) during his early days in Medina after migration. Every person desired for the Holy Prophet (sa) to stay at their home and everyone expressed this desire, requesting the Holy Prophet (sa) [for this honour] at that time.
The Holy Prophet (sa) said, “Let my camel loose. It will stop wherever Allah the Exalted desires.” Abu Ayub Ansari (ra) was fortunate that the camel stopped in front of his home. However, people were not satisfied with this. They said, “Our homes are nearby as well, please stay with us.” Upon this, the Holy Prophet (sa) drew a lot and even then, the name of Hazrat Abu Ayub Ansari (ra) came up.
(Al-Tabqat Al-Kubra Li-ibni Sa‘d, Vol. 1, p. 183, Dhikr Khuruj Rasulullah (sa), Darul Kutub Al-‘Ilmiyah, Beirut 1990)