Blindness & A Light Giving Stick
Hazrat Abu Abas lost his sight during the time of the Holy Prophet (sa). The Holy Prophet (sa) gave him a stick and stated, “Find light through this.” And so that stick would spread light in front of him.
(Al- Isaba fi Tamyiz Al- Sahaba, Vol. 7, p. 222, Dar-ul-Kutub Al-Ilmiyyah, Beirut, 2005)
One meaning of this could be that this stick will be in your hand and it will assist you in the same manner that other blind people use their stick. However, it could also mean that the stick would spread light and project light for those who cannot see properly at night as there are narrations about certain Companions that their stick would sometimes emanate light when they would travel in the dark.
(Musnad Ahmad bin Hanbal, Vol. 4, p.693, Hadith 13906, Musnad Anas bin Malik, Alam Al- Kutub, Beirut, 1998)
In fact, it is also mentioned that once three companions of the Promised Messiah (as) were traveling during a dark night when God Almighty showed them some light which was leading them along the way in the same manner [as mentioned]. [Missing reference in original transcript]
Hazrat Abu Abas’ son narrates: “Hazrat Abu Abas would offer his prayers behind the Holy Prophet (sa) and would then return to his tribe, Banu Haritha. On one occasion when he was returning home during a dark and rainy night, light started emanating from his stick and lit up his way.”
(Al-Mustadrak ala Al-Sahihain, Vol. 6, p. 2028, Hadith 5495, Maktabah Nazar Al-Mustafa Al-Baaz)