Titles: Khalil-ul-Rasul
Another title of Hazrat Abu Bakr (ra) was “Khalil-ul-Rasul” [A Friend of the Messenger (sa)]. In various biographies, “Khalil-ul-Rasul” has been mentioned as one of the titles of Hazrat Abu Bakr (ra). This is based upon a narration found in the books of ahadith in which the Holy Prophet (sa) mentioned that if he were to make someone a close friend [Khalil] it would be Abu Bakr (ra). It is narrated by Ibn Abbas in Sahih Bukhari that during his final illness, the Holy Prophet (sa) stated, “If I was to take someone as a close friend [Khalil] from among the people, it would be Hazrat Abu Bakr. However, the friendship and brotherhood in Islam is most superior. Close all the doors in this mosque except for the door of Abu Bakr.”
(Sahih al-Bukhari, Kitab al-Salah, Bab al-Khaufah wa al-Mumir fi al-Masjid, Hadith 467)
Our Research Cell has raised a question here [with regard to this title] and it is a valid point. They state that this hadith only mentions that if the Holy Prophet (sa) was to take someone as a close friend it would have been Hazrat Abu Bakr (ra), but he did not actually make him one. This has been explained by the Promised Messiah (as) in one place. The Promised Messiah (as) states:
“The explanation of the statement of the Holy Prophet (sa) whereby he mentioned that if he was to take someone as a close friend in this world, then it would have been Hazrat Abu Bakr (ra).”
Expounding upon this, the Promised Messiah (as) states:
“This particular statement needs explanation because the Holy Prophet (sa) considered Hazrat Abu Bakr (ra) as a friend of his. Then what does this [hadith] mean? The fact of the matter is that a close friendship [khullat] is a bond that becomes deeply ingrained within a person. However, it is only befitting to establish a relationship of such a nature with Allah the Almighty alone. With everyone else, one simply forms a bond of brotherhood and kinship. The very meaning of the word ‘khullat’ is for something to take root (this is the highest form of its definition) just like the love for Yusuf had become deeply rooted in Zulaikhah. This is the very meaning of the pure words of the Holy Prophet (sa) in that no one can be held as an equal in one’s love for Allah the Almighty. If the Holy Prophet (sa) was to take someone as a very close friend in this world then it would have been Abu Bakr.”
(Malfuzat, Vol. 8, p. 277)
Allah the Almighty holds a distinct station and no one else can occupy that rank. But in terms of the general friendships that are formed in this world, Abu Bakr (ra) was indeed a friend of the Holy Prophet (sa), but even then this friendship with him was not like that of his bond of close friendship that he shared with Allah the Almighty. It is impossible for a prophet, and particularly for the Holy Prophet (sa), to take someone as a close friend just like their bond of friendship they shared with Allah the Almighty. This was not possible at all. However, if it were possible to form a friendship in worldly terms, then the Holy Prophet (sa) stated that Abu Bakr (ra) had the greatest right for this.