His Status in History
He has a status in history for the following incident:
Hazrat Hatib bin Abi Baltah sent a letter to the Meccans to secretly inform them [of the Holy Prophet’s (sa) plan] with the thought of protecting his children there. God Almighty informed the Holy Prophet (sa) about this so he sent three riders after the woman who was taking this letter and they took it from her. Hazrat Abu Marsad was one of the three riders. It is narrated from Hazrat Ali (ra), “The Holy Prophet (sa) sent Abu Marsad Ghanwi, Zubair and I as we were able to ride a horse and the Holy Prophet (sa) said, ‘Go until you reach the place called Roza-e-Khaakh, there you will find a woman from amongst the idol-worshippers who has the letter from Hatib bin Abi Baltah intended for the Idol worshippers.’”
This is mentioned in Bukhari.
(Sahih Al-Bukhari, Kitab-ul-Maghaazi, Baab Fazl Man Shahda Badran, Hadith. 3983)