Bond of Brotherhood
When Hazrat Talha (ra) and Hazrat Zubair (ra) accepted Islam in Mecca, the Holy Prophet (sa) established a bond of brotherhood between them prior to the migration. After the Muslims migrated to Medina, the Holy Prophet (sa) established a bond of brotherhood between Hazrat Talha (ra) and Hazrat Abu Ayub Ansari (ra). However, according to another narration, it is reported that the bond of brotherhood was established between Hazrat Talha (ra) and Hazrat Saeed (ra) bin Zaid and according to yet another narration, it was established between Hazrat Talha (ra) and Hazrat Ubayy (ra) bin Ka‘b. After migrating to Medina, Hazrat Talha (ra) stayed at the house of Hazrat Asad (ra) bin Zurarah.
(Usdul Ghabah, Vol. 3, p. 85, Talha bin Ubaidillah, Dar-ul-Kutub al-Ilmiyyah, Beirut, 2003) (al-Tabaqaat-ul-Kubra li ibn Sa‘d, Vol. 3, p. 161, Talha bin Ubaidillah, Dar-ul-Kutub al-Ilmiyyah, Beirut, 1990)