Mus‘ab (ra) bin Shiba narrates:
“After the martyrdom of Hazrat Zaid (ra) and Hazrat Ja‘far (ra), Hazrat Abdullah (ra) bin Rawaha came to the front lines. A spear struck him and a stream of blood gushed forth. He raised his hands, caught this blood and rubbed it on his face after which he fell down in the middle of the army lines of the enemy and the Muslims. However, he continued to encourage the Muslims as their army general until his last breath. While motivating the Muslims in a most effective and passionate manner, he sought their help and said, ‘look, o Muslims! Your brother’s body is lying in front of the enemy. Come forward and push the enemy away from this path and drive them out.’” Hence, at that moment the Muslims fiercely and successively attacked the enemies so much so that Hazrat ‘Abdullah also attained martyrdom.
(Usdul Ghabah, vol. 3, pp. 237-238, Bab Abdullah (ra) bin Rawaha, Darul Kutub al-‘Ilmiyah, Beirut 1996)