A Palace in Paradise
Ibn Ishaq states that when Banu Jahsh bin Rayab emigrated from Mecca, Abu Sufyan bin Harb sold his house to Amr bin Alqamah. When this news reached Hazrat Abdullah(ra) bin Jahsh at Medina, he related it to the Holy Prophet(sa). Upon hearing that, the Holy Prophet(sa) said:
“O Abdullah! Are you not content with the fact that God will grant you a palace in Paradise in its place?”
Hazrat Abdullah bin Jahsh(ra) replied:
“Yes indeed, O Messenger Of Allah (sa)! I am content.”
Upon this, the Holy Prophet (sa) said,
“Then, those palaces will be granted to you.”
(Sirat Ibn-e-Hisham, p. 352, Bab Hijratul Rasool, Darul Kutb-ul-Ilmiyah, 2001, Beirut)
By this the Holy Prophet (sa) meant that in place of the houses which he had left behind, he will be granted a station in the Heavens where palaces will be prepared for him.