Expedition of Dumat-ul-Jandal
Hazrat Ibn Umar (ra) relates that during Sha‘ban [eighth month of the Islamic calendar] in 6 AH, the Holy Prophet (sa) sent a delegation consisting of 700 men towards Dumat-ul-Jandal under the leadership of Hazrat Abdur Rahman (ra) bin Auf. The Holy Prophet (sa) wrapped a black turban around Hazrat Abdur Rahman (ra) bin Auf’s head with his blessed hands and placed the loose cloth at the end of the turban between his shoulders. Following this, the Holy Prophet (sa) said, “O Abu Muhammad! I am receiving news of danger from Dumat-ul-Jandal. An army is gathering there in order to attack Medina. Set off into this direction, striving in the cause of Allah. Seven hundred mujahideen [people who strive in the cause of God] will accompany you. Once you reach Dumat-ul-Jandal, you should first present the message of Islam to their chief and their tribe of Kalb. However, in case a battle breaks out, you should be mindful of not being deceitful and dishonest with anyone, or breaking your oath. Do not kill children or women and purify the world from those rebelling against God.” Thus, war was permitted only with these particular conditions. Hence, when Hazrat Abdur Rahman (ra) bin Auf reached Dumah, he invited them towards Islam for three days, however they continued to reject his message. Following this, Asbagh bin Amr Kalbi, who was their chief and a Christian, accepted Islam. Hazrat Abdur Rahman (ra) bin Auf wrote to the Holy Prophet (sa), informing him of the entire event. The Holy Prophet (sa) stated that he should marry the daughter of this chief, Tumazir. And so, Hazrat Abdur Rahman (ra) bin Auf married her and then returned with her to Medina. Tumazir was later known by the name Umm-e-Abu Salma.
(Roshan Sitarey az Ghulam Bari Saif Sahib, Vol. 2, p. 106) (al-Tabaqaat-ul-Kubra li ibn Sa‘d, Vol. 3, p. 96, Abdur Rahman bin Auf, Dar-ul-Kutub al-Ilmiyyah, Beirut) (Asharah Mubasharah, Bashir Sajid, p. 875, al-Badr Publications, Lahore)