His Wife Hazrat Khola (ra)
Sometime later he married Khola bint Qais (ra), who was an Ansari lady from Bani Najjar. The Holy Prophet (sa) would visit their home. Hazrat Khola (ra) would narrate the loving accounts from that time of the Prophet (sa).
She would say that once the Holy Prophet (sa) visited their home and she asked him, “O Messenger of Allah, I have heard that you have said that on the Day of Judgement you will be given the heavenly fountain of Kauthar, and that this will be vast”. The Holy Prophet (sa) said “Yes, this is true, and listen, I would prefer your kindred, the Ansar, to drink from it much more than others.”
(Musnad Ahmad bin Hanbal, Vol. 8, p. 822, Hadith No. 27859, A’alamul Kutub, 1998, Beirut)
This is the love he had for the Ansar, due to the fact that when he had been expelled from Mecca by his own people, it was the Ansar who had given him all they had.