The eagerness of other Cities to Settle a Similar Treaty to that of Jerusalem
When news of this treaty reached the people of Ramla, they were also eager to settle a similar treaty with Hazrat Umar (ra). The same was the case with the rest of the people who dwelled in Palestine. The people of Lud received a letter from Hazrat Umar (ra) and those cities were also addressed in that which later accepted the rule of the Muslims. In this letter, the people of Lud were granted protection by Hazrat Umar (ra) for themselves, their wealth, their churches, their crosses, including their sick and healthy and also the people of all other faiths, but on the condition that if they pay the jizya, just like the citizens of Syria did, there would be no compulsion in matters of their faith, nor would they be given any trouble on account of their religious differences. After seeing to these tasks, Hazrat Umar (ra) then appointed two governors over Palestine and divided the land in two. Alqamah bin Hakeem was appointed to govern Ramla and Alqamah bin Mujazziz was to govern Ilya [Jerusalem].
*(Hazrat Umar Farooq A‘zam translated, Muhammad Husain Haikal, p. 373, Islami Kutub Khana, Lahore) *