Hazrat Jafir bin Muhammad Sadiq (ra) says that Hazrat Shuqraan (ra) was from among the Ahle Sufa [those Companions who had devoted themselves to remain in the company of the Holy Prophet (sa)].
(Huliyatul Auliya, Vo.1, pg.348, Zikr Ahle Sufa, Maktabtul Imaan Al-Mansoora, 2007).
Hazrat Shuqraan (ra) was from among the Companions who would sit in the company of the Holy Prophet (sa). He also had the honour of taking part in the Ghusl [washing ritual of deceased body in Islam] and burial of the Holy Prophet (sa).
(Al-Asabaa, Vol.3, pg.248, Shuqraan, Darul Kutubil Ilmiyya, 2005, Beirut).
Hazrat Ibn Abbas (ra) states that the Holy Prophet (sa) was given Ghusl with his clothes on. Hazrat Ali (ra), Hazrat Fazal bin Abbas (ra), Hazat Qutham bin Abbas (ra), Hazrat Shuqraan (ra) and Hazrat Owais bin Khawali (ra) entered the burial area of the Holy Prophet (sa).
(Al-Sunan Al-Kubra li-Al-Bahqi, Vol.4, pg.84, Hadith: 7143, Maktabat-ul-Rushd, 2004, Riyadh).
About the burial, Hazrat Shuqraan (ra) states:
“I swear by God, it was I who laid the velvet cloth under the body of the Holy Prophet (sa).”
(Sunan Al-Tirmadhi, Kitab-ul-Janaiz, Hadith: 1047)
According to a tradition of Sahih Muslim it was a red velvet cloth.
(Sahih Muslim, Kitab-ul-Janaiz, Hadith: 2241).
This cloth was used by the Holy Prophet (sa) and so Hazrat Shuqraan (ra) relates that I did not wish for anyone else to use this cloth after the demise of the Holy Prophet (sa) as he would often use this as a garment and would lay it out.
(Al-Minhaj Bushra, Sahih Muslim Az Imam Noovi, pg.749, Kitabul Janaiz, Hadith: 967, Daru Ibn Hazam, 2002).