The Prophet's (sa) Affection
Hazrat Anas bin Malik (ra) states that a child of Hazrat Abu Talha (ra) was ill and when he left the house, the child passed away. When he returned home, he enquired about the health of the child from his wife, Hazrat Umm-e-Sulaim (ra). She replied, “He is now in more comfort than before.” She then gave him dinner and after spending the night together she informed him of the passing of their child and that he ought to go and bury him. Thus, in the morning, Hazrat Abu Talha (ra) mentioned the entire incident to the Holy Prophet (sa), who then prayed for his offspring. Hence after this incident he was blessed with a son.
(Sahih Muslim, Kitabul Adab, Bab al-Istihbaab Tuhannik al-Maulud…, Hadith 2144)
Hazrat Musleh Maud (ra) explains this incident in the following manner: “It is not difficult for a believer to sacrifice his life [for the sake of God]”. He then said, “With regard to [Asadullah] Ghalib, there are varying opinions about whether or not he used to drink alcohol.” Hazrat Musleh Maud (ra) then says, “He was related to us and I have heard from my grandmothers and [paternal] aunts that he used to drink alcohol. Even a person who was addicted to alcohol could compose the following verses:
جان دی دی ہوئی اسی کی تھی
حق تو یہ ہے کہ حق ادا نہ ہوا
[Though I gave my life for Him, ‘twas His in any case; To speak the truth, I could not repay my dues to Him.]
In other words, if one were to offer their life in the way of Allah the Almighty, it is not an extraordinary feat, for even this life itself was, after all, granted by Him. Hence, to sacrifice one’s life in accordance with the commandment of God Almighty is not considered as a huge sacrifice, because after all his very life belonged to God and thus to return something which one has been entrusted with temporarily does not constitute a sacrifice.”
Hazrat Musleh Maud (ra) states:
“There is an account recorded in the Ahadith [traditions of the Holy Prophet (sa)] regarding a female companion of the Holy Prophet (sa), Umme Sulaim (ra). The Holy Prophet (sa) had tasked her husband, Abu Talha (ra), with some religious duties for which he had to travel outside of the city. At the time, their child was unwell and, naturally, he was very concerned about the condition of the child. When the companion returned, the child had passed away in his absence. The mother placed a sheet of cloth over the child’s body and readied herself by taking a bath and put on some perfume. Then, whilst displaying great courage, she welcomed her husband home. Upon arriving, the companion immediately enquired about the child’s health and she replied that the child was completely at rest. The companion then contently ate his meal, took some rest and also spent the night with his wife.
“It was only after this that the wife then stated, ‘I would like to ask something from you.’ ‘What is it you wish to ask?’ said the husband. His wife then stated, ‘If someone entrusts you with something and then after a while wishes to take it back, should that be returned to him or not?’ Her husband replied, ‘Which foolish person will not return that which was only kept with him as a trust.’ But after all, one may be a little saddened since they have to return it’, said his wife. The husband replied, ‘Why should one be saddened; it was not his to begin with, therefore there is no question of expressing any sadness over it.’ The wife stated, ‘Well, if that is the case then God Almighty, Who only granted this child to us as a trust, has now taken it back.’ Such was the courage and steadfastness that was displayed by the women in that time. Thus, to offer one’s life is not something significant, particularly for a Momin [a believer].”
(Taqrir Jalsa Salana Jamaat-e-Ahmadiyya Lahore 1984, Anwar-ul-Ulum, Vol. 21, pp. 53-54)
According to the aforementioned Hadith it states that the Holy Prophet (sa) prayed for them and as a result, they were blessed with many children. They were granted a son very soon after this incident and were granted with so many blessings that according to an Ansari companion’s narration, he saw nine sons of Hazrat Abu Talha (ra) and all of them were Qaris [reciters of the Holy Quran].
(Sahih al-Bukhari, Kitabul Jana‘iz, Bab man lam Yudhhir Huzunahu indal Musibah, Hadith 1301)
There is another account in relation to the kindness of the Holy Prophet (sa) towards Hazrat Jabir. The person relating the account says, “I approached Hazrat Jabir bin Abdullah and said to him to narrate whatever he had heard from the Holy Prophet (sa).
Hazrat Jabir replied, ‘I was once accompanying the Holy Prophet (sa) on a journey.’” The narrator says that he was unaware whether this journey was in relation to a battle or Umrah [non-mandatory, lesser form of pilgrimage]. “Nevertheless, when we returned to Medina, the Holy Prophet(sa) said that whoever wished to return to his family sooner may do so.” Hazrat Jabir said, “Upon hearing this, we quickly departed. I was riding on one of my camels, which was khaki in colour without any marks. People were following behind me. I was riding ahead when all of a sudden, the camel came to a complete halt and despite my efforts, refused to move any further. The Holy Prophet (sa) saw this and said to me, ‘O Jabir! Sit firmly on the camel’. Following this, the Holy Prophet (sa) tapped the camel with his stick, as a result of which the camel jumped from its place and started to walk briskly. The Holy Prophet (sa) asked, ‘Are you willing to sell this camel?’ I replied ‘Yes, I am willing to sell it.’ When we reached Medina, the Holy Prophet (sa) entered the mosque with several of his companions. I also went with him and tied the camel in a corner on the stoned floor in front of the mosque. I said to the Holy Prophet (sa), ‘Here is your camel.’ The Holy Prophet (sa) came outside and walked around the camel. The Holy Prophet (sa) then said, ‘This camel now belongs to us.’ The Holy Prophet (sa) then sent several gold coins and stated, ‘Give this to Jabir.’ He then said, ‘Have you received the payment in full?’ I responded, ‘Yes, I have received it.’ The Prophet (sa) said, ‘This payment and the camel is yours.’”
(Sahih Al-Bukhari, Kitabul Jihad, Hadith No. 2861)
Very affectionately, the Holy Prophet (sa) returned the camel and paid for it as well. One possible reason for this could be that according to one narration that camel was used to transport water and Hazrat Jabir’s uncles and relatives would also use it for that purpose. So perhaps they had objected as to why it was sold and how would they now transport the water.
(Sahih Al-Bukhari, Kitabul Jihad, Hadith No. 2967).
Nevertheless, such was the affection of the Holy Prophet (sa) towards his Companions and the children of those Companions who offered great sacrifices.
May Allah Almighty elevate the status of these Companions. I often share various incidents such as these; may He enable us to continue in their virtues and apply them in our own lives.
Hazrat Aaiz (ra) bin Amr narrates that Hazrat Salman (ra), Hazrat Suhaib (ra) and Hazrat Bilal (ra) were sat amongst a group of people when Abu Sufyan bin Harb walked past. They said to him, “Allah the Almighty’s sword has not yet struck the necks of His enemies.” Upon this, Hazrat Abu Bakr (ra) said, “Is this how you speak about the leaders and chieftains of the Quraish?” The Holy Prophet (sa) was informed of this incident, to which the Holy Prophet (sa) said, “O Abu Bakr (ra)! Perhaps you have angered them. If this is the case, then you have also angered God Almighty.” Therefore, Hazrat Abu Bakr (ra) went back to those people and said, “O my brethren, perhaps you are aggrieved because of me.” To this they replied, “No, O Abu Bakr (ra), may Allah grant you forgiveness.”
(Musnad Ahmad bin Hanbal, Vol. 6, p. 885, Hadith A‘idh bin Amr, Alamul Kutub, Beirut, 1998)
According to another account, Hazrat Bilal (ra) was the secretary or treasurer of the Holy Prophet (sa).
(Ali Ibn al-Athir, Usd al-Ghabah fi Ma‘rifat al-Sahabah, Vol. 1, Bilal bin Rabah [Beirut, Lebanon: Dar al-Kutub al-Ilmiyyah, 2008] 415)
A person once asked Hazrat Ibn Abbas (ra), “Did you also accompany the Holy Prophet (sa) in any journey?” He replied, “Were it not for my relationship with the Holy Prophet (sa), I would not have been able to participate in any journey with him.” What he meant by this is that he had the opportunity to travel because he was young and also due to the fact that he was related to the Holy Prophet (sa).
He further states, “The Holy Prophet (sa) then arrived near the sign which was close by the house of Hazrat Kathir bin Salt (ra) and delivered an address to the companions. He then went to the women and granted them some advice and instructed them to give alms. The women then lowered their hands to remove their rings and one by one they placed them in the cloth of Hazrat Bilal (ra) (Hazrat Bilal (ra) was with the Holy Prophet(sa) at the time).” This is the account of Hazrat Ibn Abbas (ra). Thereafter, the Holy Prophet (sa) and Hazrat Bilal (ra) returned home.
(Sahih al-Bukhari, Kitab al-Adhan, Bab Wudu al-Sibyan wa mata Yajibu ‘alaihim al-Ghusl…, Hadith 863)
Hazrat Anas bin Malik (ra) states, “The Holy Prophet (sa) told me, ‘I have suffered so much affliction for the sake of Allah, which no other person can be given. I have been threatened so much for the sake of Allah that no other person can be threatened to that extent. Three nights would pass whereby no food would be brought to me and Bilal (ra), which was edible, except that which could be hidden under the arm of Bilal (ra) (i.e., they only had very little food).”
(Sunan Ibn Majah, Fada‘il Bilal, Hadith 150, Noor Foundation translation)
Abdur Rahman bin Abdullah narrates that the Holy Prophet (sa) said, “O Banu Nazala (in some narrations it is written as Banu Salama)! Who is your leader?” They replied, “Jadd bin Qais.” The Holy Prophet (sa) said, “On what basis do you consider him to be your leader?” They replied, “He is wealthier than us and is affluent. Therefore, we have made him our leader. However, the only fault we find in him is that he is miserly.” They did not like that he was extremely miserly. The Holy Prophet (sa) said, “Is there a greater shortcoming than miserliness?” In other words, miserliness was a grave flaw and owing to this he could not be their leader. They replied, “O Messenger (sa) of Allah! Do tell us then who is our leader?” The Holy Prophet (sa) said, “Bishr bin Bara bin Ma‘rur (ra) is your leader,” i.e., the companion who is being mentioned. According to another narration, it is recorded that the Holy Prophet (sa) said, “Your leader is Bishr bin Bara bin Ma‘rur (ra), who has a fair complexion and curly hair.”
(al-Isabah Fi Tamyeez al-Sahabah, Vol. 1, pp. 426-427, Bishr bin al-Bara (ra), Dar-ul-Kutub al-Ilmiyyah, Beirut, 2005) (al-Tabaqaat-ul-Kubra li ibn Sa‘d, Vol. 3, p. 291, Bishr bin al-Bara (ra), Dar Ihyaa al-Turath al-Arabi, Beirut, 1996)
Hazrat Musleh Maud(ra) relates an incident of Hazrat Sa‘d(ra) regarding hunting:
“The Holy Prophet(sa) would not hunt himself, rather it is proven through a hadith that he would have others hunt for him. Thus, during one expedition, he called Hazrat Sa‘d bin Abi Waqas(ra) and said, ‘Look, there is a deer, shoot it with an arrow.’ When he was about to shoot the arrow, the Holy Prophet(sa) lovingly placed his chin on Hazrat Sa‘d’s(ra) shoulder and said ‘O Allah! Make him attain his target successfully.’” (Tafsir-e-Kabir, Vol. 5, p. 124)
We find a narration regarding the prayer of the Holy Prophet (sa) for his sons-in-law. It is written in Al-Isti‘ab that the Holy Prophet (sa) said, “I have prayed to my Lord, the possessor of Glory and Majesty, to not allow anyone to enter hell who is a son-in-law to me, or to whom I am a son-in-law.”
(Ibn ‘Abd al-Barr, Al-Isti‘ab fi Ma’rifat al-Ashab, Vol. 3, Uthman bin Affan (ra) [Beirut, Lebanon: Dar al-Jil, 2002], 156.)
Hazrat Anas bin Malik (ra) narrates, “When Abdullah bin Abi Talha (ra) Ansari was born (this was the son of Abu Talha (ra) and stepbrother of Hazrat Anas (ra) from his mother’s side) I took him to the Holy Prophet (sa), when, at the time, he was wearing his cloak and was smearing coal tar on his camel. He asked me if I had any dates with me, to which I replied in the affirmative. I gave him a few dates which he placed in his mouth and chewed it well. He then opened the child’s mouth and placed them inside for the baby to suckle on. The baby began to suck on it and the Holy Prophet (sa) then stated, ‘Love for the dates of the Ansar’ i.e. the child also liked them and then the Holy Prophet (sa) named him Abdullah.”
(Sahih Muslim, Kitabul Adab, Bab al-Istihbaab Tuhannik al-Maulud…, Hadith 2144)
Hazrat Anas bin Malik(ra) states, “The Holy Prophet (sa) would often sit with us. He would say to my younger brother in a lighthearted manner: ‘O Abu Umair! What did Nuwair do?’ Abu Umair had a pet bird which was called Nuwair. When it died – or perhaps it flew away – Abu Umair was distraught. Hence the Holy Prophet (sa) would say this to him in a light-hearted manner. On many occasions, the Holy Prophet (sa) would be in our home when it would be the time for prayer. Thus, the Holy Prophet (sa) would order the cloth to be laid down which he would usually sit on. Hence, we would clean the cloth and place it for prayers, the Holy Prophet (sa) would stand up to lead the prayers and we would stand in congregation behind him.”
(Sunan Ibn Majah, Kitabul Adab, Babul Mazah, Hadith 3720) (Sahih al-Bukhari, Kitabul Adab, Bab al-Kunyah li as-Sabiyy…, Hadith 6203)
The Holy Prophet (sa) would call Hazrat Sa‘d (ra) his maternal uncle.
(Ashab-e-Badr, Qazi Muhammad Sulaiman Salman Mansur Puri, p. 91, Maktabah Islamiyyah, Lahore, 2015)
On one occasion, Hazrat Sa‘d (ra) was approaching and on seeing him, the Holy Prophet (sa) said, “My uncle approaches; how great indeed is he! If anyone has an uncle the likes of mine, let him show us.”
Imam Tirmidhi has stated the reason for this was that just like the Holy Prophet (sa)’s mother belonged to the Banu Zuhra tribe, so did Hazrat Sa‘d bin Abi Waqas’ (ra) mother.
(Jami‘ al-Tirmidhi, Kitabul Manaqib, Bab Manaqib Abu Ishaq Sa‘d bin Abi Waqas (ra), Hadith 3752)
Hazrat Anas (ra) narrates that the Messenger (sa) of Allah said, “Every nation has a custodian [ameen] and the custodian of this Ummah is Abu Ubaidah bin Jarrah.”
(Sahih al-Bukhari, Kitab Fada‘il Ashab al-Nabi, Bab Manaqib Abi Ubaidah bin al-Jarrah, Hadith 3744)
The Holy Prophet (sa) kept Hazrat Abdullah bin Mas‘ud with him after he had accepted Islam and he would serve the Holy Prophet (sa). The Holy Prophet (sa) had instructed him that if he heard the voice of the Holy Prophet (sa) and the entrance of his home was uncovered (i.e. it was open) then he could enter therein without permission. Meaning that he should not enter without permission when the entrance was covered. If, however, the entrance was not covered, the door was open and he could hear the Holy Prophet’s voice, then he had his permission to enter therein because it meant that there were no ladies present inside at that time. He would do everything for the Holy Prophet (sa). He would assist in putting his shoes on, he would travel with the Holy Prophet (sa) when needed, he would hold the purdah (cover) when the Holy Prophet (sa) took a bath. He was known amongst the companions as Sahib-ul-Swaaq.
(Usdul Ghaba, Vol. 3, p. 383, Dar-ul-Kutub al-ilmiyyah, Beirut)
According to another narration he was known as Sahib-ul-Swaaq, Sahib-ul-Wasaad and Sahib-ul-Na‘layn as well.
(Al-Tabqaat-ul-Kubra, Vol. 3, p. 113, Dar-ul-Kutb al-ilimiyya, Beirut, 1990)
Abdullah bin Mas‘ud was a confidant of the Holy Prophet (sa); he would prepare the bedding of the Prophet (sa) and would carry the Holy Prophet’s Miswaaq (short dry twig used to clean teeth) and also carry his shoes. The meaning of these Arabic words just mentioned in fact refer to the services he rendered and translate as: preparing his bedding, providing the Miswaaq for his teeth, help in arranging the water for ablution and bathing. One who prepares the bedding is known as Sahib-ul-Suwaad and he would render this service for the Holy Prophet (sa) and he would also repair and carry the Holy Prophet’s shoes and therefore was known as Sahib-ul-Na‘layn. He would carry water for the Holy Prophet (sa) to perform ablution. He would also take care of these chores when the Holy Prophet would travel.
Abu Maleeh narrates, “Hazrat Abdullah bin Mas‘ud would provide a purdah (covering) for the Holy Prophet (sa) when he would bathe, he would wake the Holy Prophet (sa) when he would sleep and he would also travel fully armed alongside the Holy Prophet (sa).”
(Al-Tabqaat-ul-Kubra, Vol. 3, p. 113, Dar-ul-Kutb al-ilimiyya, Beirut, 1990)
Hazrat Abu Musa narrates, “When I initially arrived in Medina from Yemen, I thought that Hazrat Abdullah bin Mas‘ud was amongst the Ahl-e-Bait [the family of the Holy Prophet (sa) peace be upon him] as he and his mother would often visit the Holy Prophet (sa).”
(Usdul Ghaba, Vol. 3, p. 384, Dar-ul-Kutub al-ilmiyyah, Beirut)
Since they would often visit the Holy Prophet (sa) and do a lot of his work, therefore he states that those who newly came to Medina would think that they too were from among the family members of the Holy Prophet (sa).
Hazrat Abu Talha (ra) has the honour and privilege of being the one who buried one of the daughters of the Holy Prophet (sa) after her demise. On the instructions of the Holy Prophet (sa), Hazrat Abu Talha (ra) descended into the grave and placed her blessed body into the grave.
(Sahih al-Bukhari, Kitabul Jana‘iz, Bab Qaul an-Nabi Yu‘adhabul Mayyitu bi Ba‘d…, Hadith 1285)
Hazrat Ibn Abbas (ra) narrates that the Holy Prophet (sa) was passing by a place and noticed Hazrat Uthman (ra) sat there and was crying out of sorrow upon the demise of Hazrat Umm Kulthum (ra). The narrator of the tradition states that at the time, both of his companions, i.e. Hazrat Abu Bakr (ra) and Hazrat Umar (ra), were with the Holy Prophet (sa). The Holy Prophet (sa) asked, “O Uthman, why are you crying?” Hazrat Uthman (ra) submitted, “O Messenger (sa) of Allah, the reason I am crying is because my relationship with you as a son-in-law has now ended” as both daughters had passed away.
The Holy Prophet (sa) stated, “Do not cry. I swear by Him in Whose hands is my life that even if I had a 100 daughters, I would marry all of them to you, one after the other until not a single one of them would remain.”
(Kanz al-Ummal, Vol. 13, p. 21, Bab Fadha‘il al-Sahabah, Fadha‘il Dhun-Nurain Uthman (ra) bin Affan, Hadith 36201, Dar al-Kutub al-Ilmiyyah, Beirut, 2004)
In any case, this was an expression of their mutual love. Hazrat Uthman (ra) was worried but the Holy Prophet (sa) granted him assurance that this relationship of theirs would continue and remain established.
Hazrat Jabir bin Abdullah (ra) narrates that during the Battle of the Ditch, the Holy Prophet (sa) asked if there was anyone who would bring him news of the Banu Quraizah. Hazrat Zubair (ra) presented his services for the task. The Holy Prophet (sa) again asked if there was anyone who could bring him information regarding the Banu Quraizah. Again, Hazrat Zubair (ra) presented himself. The Holy Prophet (sa) asked for a third time, if there was anyone who could bring him information regarding the Banu Quraizah. Hazrat Zubair (ra) said that he was ready for the task. The Holy Prophet (sa) said, “Every prophet has a disciple and Zubair is my disciple.” Hazrat Abdullah bin Umar (ra) once heard someone saying that he was the son of a disciple of the Holy Prophet (sa). Hazrat Abdullah bin Umar (ra) said that this would only be true if he was from the progeny of Hazrat Zubair (ra). When asked if there was anyone other than Hazrat Zubair (ra) who was given the title of being a disciple of the Holy Prophet (sa), Hazrat Ibn Umar (ra) said that to his knowledge there was no one else.
(al-Tabaqat al-Kubra li ibn Sa‘d, Vol. 3, p. 78, Zubair (ra) bin al-Awwam, Dar-ul-Kutub al-Ilmiyyah, Beirut, 1990)
Hazrat Abdullah bin Zubair (ra) narrates that on the day of the Battle of the Ditch, he and Umar bin Abi Salama were appointed to guard the women. When he looked up, he saw Hazrat Zubair (ra) riding a horse; he saw him going towards the Banu Quraizah two or three times. When Hazrat Abdullah bin Zubair (ra) returned, he said, “O my father, I saw you going here and there.” He replied, “My son, did you really see me?” When he said, “Yes”, Hazrat Zubair (ra) said, “The Holy Prophet (sa) asked who would go to the Banu Quraizah and bring him information regarding them, and so upon hearing this, I went. When I returned with the report, the Holy Prophet (sa) mentioned both his mother and father with reference to me, meaning he said, ‘May my mother and my father be sacrificed for you.’”
(Sahih al-Bukhari, Kitab Fazail al-Sahab al-Nabi, Hadith no. 3720)
Hazrat Musleh Maud (ra) states:
“On numerous occasions, the Holy Prophet (sa) stated that Hazrat Uthman (ra) had purchased Paradise and that he was destined to enter Paradise. On the occasion of the Treaty of Hudaibiyyah, the Holy Prophet (sa) took an oath of allegiance from the Muslims once again, but Hazrat Uthman (ra) was not present there at the time. The Holy Prophet (sa) placed his other hand upon his own hand and stated, ‘This is the hand of Uthman and I place my hand on behalf of his.’ In this way, the Holy Prophet (sa) declared his hand to be the hand of Hazrat Uthman (ra). On another occasion, the Holy Prophet (sa) stated, ‘O Uthman! Allah will bestow you with a cloak. The hypocrites will try to remove this cloak from you but do not remove this cloak.’”
Hazrat Musleh Maud (ra) continues:
“Here, the Holy Prophet (sa) said to Hazrat Uthman (ra) not to remove this cloak and those who seek to remove it from him will in fact be the hypocrites.”
(Khutbat-e-Mahmud, Vol. 19, p. 100, Khutbah Jumu’ah Farmudah 18 February 1938)
Thus, from this it is evident that those [who opposed Hazrat Uthman (ra)] were hypocrites and the Holy Prophet (sa) had foretold about them.”
Hazrat Anas (ra) relates that when on one occasion the Holy Prophet (sa) cut his hair, Hazrat Abu Talha (ra) was the first to receive some of it.
(Sahih al-Bukhari, Kitab al-Wudu, Bab al-Maa alladhi Yaghsilu bihi al-Insan, Hadith 171)
Hazrat Huzayfa (ra) relates that the Holy Prophet (sa) said, “After me, follow both Abu Bakr and Umar.”
(Sunan al-Tirmidhi, Kitab al-Manaqib, Bab Iqtadu bi alladhina min ba‘di, Hadith 3662)
Hazrat Abu Saeed Khudri (ra) narrates that the Holy Prophet (sa) stated, “Every prophet has two viziers in Heaven and two viziers on the earth. My two viziers in Heaven are Gabriel and Michael, and my two viziers on the earth are Abu Bakr and Umar.”
(Sunan al-Tirmidhi, Kitab al-Manaqib, Bab fa amma Wazirai fi al-Ard, Hadith 3680)
Hazrat Huzayfa (ra) relates, “We were sat with the Holy Prophet (sa) when he said, ‘I do not know for how long I shall remain among you, therefore you must follow these two after me.’ He then indicated towards Hazrat Abu Bakr (ra)and Hazrat Umar (ra).”
(Sunan al-Tirmidhi, Kitab al-Manaqib, Bab fi Manaqib Abi Bakr wa Umar kilaihima, Hadith 3663)
Hazrat Abu Bakr (ra)relates that one day the Holy Prophet (sa) asked, “Who among you has seen a dream?” One person replied, “I saw that a scale had descended from the sky. It weighed both yourself and Hazrat Abu Bakr (ra)and you were heavier on the scales than him. Then Hazrat Abu Bakr (ra)and Hazrat Umar (ra) were weighed, and Hazrat Abu Bakr (ra)was heavier in the scales. Then Hazrat Umar (ra) and Hazrat Uthman (ra) were weighed, and Hazrat Umar (ra) was heavier in the scales. The scale was then taken away.’” The narrator then says, “We then saw signs of displeasure on the Holy Prophet’s (sa) countenance.”
In another narration, it is mentioned that after hearing the dream, the Holy Prophet (sa) said, “This is the Khilafat after prophethood, and thereafter Allah shall grant monarchical rule to whoever He pleases.”
(Sunan Abi Dawud, Kitab al-Sunnah, Bab fi al-Khulafa, Hadith 2634-2635) (Aun al-Ma‘bud Sharh Sunan Abi Dawud, Vol. 12, pp. 387, 388, Kitab al-Sunnah, Bab fi al-Khulafa, al-Maktabah al-Salafiyyah, 1969)
Abd Khair relates that Hazrat Ali (ra) was standing at the pulpit and said, “O people, shall I not tell you of the best person in this Ummah after the Holy Prophet (sa)?” the people replied in the affirmative. Hazrat Ali (ra) then said, “Abu Bakr (ra).” He then remained silent for a short while before saying, “O people, shall I not tell you of the best person in this ummah after Hazrat Abu Bakr (ra)? It is Umar (ra)?”
(Hulyat al-Auliya, Imam Isfahani, Vol. 7, p. 205, Hadith 10323, Maktabah Iman Mansurah, 2007)
Abu Juhaifah says that he heard Hazrat Ali (ra) say, “The best among this ummah after the Holy Prophet (sa) is Abu Bakr (ra)then Umar (ra).”
(Hulyat al-Auliya, Imam Isfahani, Vol. 7, p. 205, Hadith 10325, Maktabah Iman Mansurah, 2007)
When the Holy Prophet (sa) marked out the boundaries for people’s dwellings in Medina, he allotted a large portion of land to Hazrat Zubair (ra). The Holy Prophet (sa) also gave him a date orchard.
(Ibn Sa‘d, al-Tabaqat al-Kubra, Vol. 3 [Beirut, Lebanon: Dar al-Kutub al-‘Ilmiyyah, 1990] 76)
With regard to the Holy Prophet (sa) granting land to Hazrat Zubair (ra), Hazrat Khalifat-ul-Masih II (ra) says:
“The Holy Prophet (sa) bestowed a vast piece of land to Hazrat Zubair (ra) which officially belonged to the state. It was so vast that his horse could run until its last breath.” In other words, it could run as far as it was able to. Hazrat Zubair (ra) threw his whip with full force from the point where his horse had stopped running. Thereupon, the Holy Prophet (sa) decided that he would not only be given the land up to the point where his horse had stopped, but the area where his whip landed would also be granted to him.”
Hazrat Khalifatul Masih II (ra) further writes:
“The horses in our country can run for miles as well, but Arab horses can run even faster. If we suppose that the horse could only run up to four or five miles [before stopping], even then the land that was granted to him would be approximately 20,000 acres.”
Imam Abu Yusuf writes in his book, Kitab al-Kharaj, that the Holy Prophet (sa) allocated a portion of land for Hazrat Zubair (ra) which contained date-palms. This excerpt from Imam Abu Yusuf’s writings was also cited by Hazrat Khalifatul Masih II (ra). Hazrat Khalifatul Masih II (ra) writes:
“The land he was given had date-palms and at one point, this belonged to the Jewish tribe Banu Nazir and this was a village recognised as Juruf.” Juruf is the name of a place situated three miles from Medina in the direction of Syria. “This was a traditional village. When we place this account alongside the other narrations, it can be concluded that at the time, the Holy Prophet (sa) gave the upper part of the land to Hazrat Zubair (ra)” i.e., where there is mention of the horse running, and this equated to approximately 15,000 or 20,000 acres. “This was given to him at a time when he was already the owner of a village which contained date-palms.”
(Hazrat Mirza Bashiruddin Mahmud Ahmad (ra), Islam aur Malkiyat-e-Zameen, Anwar al-Ulum, Vol. 21, p. 429) (Yaqut Ibn Abdullah al-Hamawi, Mu‘jam al-Buldan, Vol. 4 [Beirut, Lebanon: Dar Ihya al-Turath al-Arabi], 247)
Hazrat Abdullah bin Umar (ra) narrates that on the occasion of Eid, a person would be appointed to walk ahead of the Holy Prophet (sa) with a spear in his hand and this duty would mostly be assigned to Hazrat Bilal (ra).
Muhammad bin Amr narrates that Hazrat Bilal (ra) would dig the spear into the ground – in those days, the Eid Gah would be an open plain.
(Ibn Sa‘d, Al-Tabaqat al-Kubra, Vol. 3, Bilal bin Rabah [Beirut, Lebanon: Dar al-Kutub al-Ilmiyyah, 2017] 177)
According to a narration, the King of Abyssinia [Negus] sent three spears to the Holy Prophet (sa) as a gift. The Holy Prophet (sa) kept one for himself and from among the remaining two, he gave one to Hazrat Ali bin Abi Talib (ra) and one to Hazrat Umar bin Khattab (ra). On the occasions of Eid, Hazrat Bilal (ra) would walk ahead of the Holy Prophet (sa) whilst carrying the spear, which the Holy Prophet (sa) had kept for himself and would then dig it into the ground. The Holy Prophet (sa) would then pray in its direction. It is further narrated that after the Holy Prophet’s (sa) demise, Hazrat Bilal (ra) continued this practice of carrying the spear and would walk ahead of Hazrat Abu Bakr (ra).
(Ibn Sa‘d, Al-Tabaqat al-Kubra, Vol. 3, Bilal bin Rabah [Beirut, Lebanon: Dar al-Kutub al-Ilmiyyah, 2017] 178)
The relationship the Holy Prophet (sa) had with Hazrat Uthman (ra) and Hazrat Uthman’s (ra) rank in the eyes of the Holy Prophet (sa) can be gauged by the fact that the Holy Prophet (sa) did not lead the funeral prayer of an individual who harboured rancour towards Hazrat Uthman (ra).
The details of this incident have been recorded in the following narration: Hazrat Jabir (ra) relates that once, the funeral procession of an individual was brought before the Holy Prophet (sa) so that he would lead the funeral prayer. However, the Holy Prophet (sa) did not do so. Someone said, “O Messenger (sa) of Allah! We have previously never observed you refrain from leading someone’s funeral prayer.” Upon this, the Holy Prophet (sa) said, “This individual harboured rancour towards Uthman (ra). As such, Allah the Exalted also holds enmity towards him.”
(Sunan al-Tirmidhi, Abwab al-Manaqib , Bab fi Manaqib, Hadith 3709)
There is a narration with regard to the status of Hazrat Uthman (ra) and how the companions regarded him during the life of the Holy Prophet (sa) as well as after him. Nafi‘ relates from Hazrat Ibn Umar (ra), who said:
“During the lifetime of the Holy Prophet (sa), we used to declare certain people superior to others from among the people. We regarded Hazrat Abu Bakr (ra) to be the best [among us], then Hazrat Umar bin Khattab and then Hazrat Uthman bin Affan, may Allah be pleased with all of them.”
This is a narration from Bukhari.
*(Sahih al-Bukhari, Kitab Fada‘il Ashab al-Nabi (sa), Bab Fadl Abi Bakr (ra) ba’d al-Nabi (sa), Hadith 3655) *
Another narration in Bukhari is recorded in the following manner: Nafi‘ relates from Hazrat Ibn Umar (ra), who said:
“We were present during the time of the Holy Prophet (sa). We would not consider anyone equal to Hazrat Abu Bakr (ra), following him, Hazrat Umar (ra) and following him Hazrat Uthman (ra). We would then refrain from [discussing the rank of] the companions of the Holy Prophet (sa) besides them and did not consider anyone superior to anyone else.”
(Sahih al-Bukhari, Kitab Fada‘il Ashab al-Nabi (sa), Bab Manaqib Uthman (ra)…, Hadith 3697)
There is a narration of Muhammad bin Hanafiyyah with regard to Hazrat Uthman (ra) being counted among the best people after the Holy Prophet (sa). He relates:
“I asked my father, Hazrat Ali (ra), as to who was ranked as the best person after the Holy Prophet (sa). He replied that it was Abu Bakr (ra). I then asked who was after him. He said that it was Umar (ra). I hesitantly asked who followed him and he replied that it was Hazrat Uthman (ra). I then said, ‘O my father! Do you rank after him?’ Upon this, he replied, ‘I am an ordinary man among the Muslims.’”
(Sunan Abi Dawud, Kitab al-Sunnah, Bab fi al-Tafdil, Hadith 4629)
Abu Uthman narrates that the Holy Prophet (sa) appointed Hazrat Amr (ra) bin al-Aas as the commander of the army for the battle of Zat al-Salasil. This is a place approximately a days-journey away from Medina. This is according to the mode of travel at that time. It is the name of a well in the region of the tribe of Judham, further out from the valley of al-Qura. Hazrat Amr (ra) states, “When I returned to the Holy Prophet (sa), I asked him who is most beloved to him. The Holy Prophet (sa) replied, ‘Aisha.’ I then asked who is the most beloved to him amongst the men. The Holy Prophet (sa) replied, ‘The father of Aisha.’ I then asked who was after him. The Holy Prophet (sa) replied, ‘Umar.’ He then proceeded to name other men.”
(Sahih al-Bukhari, Kitab al-Maghazi, Bab Ghazwat al-Salasil, Hadith 4358) (Sayyid Fadl al-Rahman, Farhang-e-Sirat [Karachi, Pakistan: Zawwar Academy Publications, 2003], 152)
Hazrat Anas (ra) relates that the Holy Prophet (sa) would come out and sit with his companions from among the Muhajirin and the Ansar. Among them were Hazrat Abu Bakr (ra) and Hazrat Umar (ra), but none of them would raise their glance to look at the Holy Prophet (sa) except Hazrat Abu Bakr (ra)and Hazrat Umar (ra). Both of them would look at the Holy Prophet (sa) and smile, and in turn, he would look at the two of them and smile.
(Sunan al-Tirmidhi, Kitab al-Manaqib, Bab fi ma li Abi Bakr (ra)wa Umar (ra) inda al-Nabi (sa), Hadith 3668)
Hazrat Ibn Umar (ra) relates that the Holy Prophet (sa) once came out and entered the mosque with Hazrat Abu Bakr (ra)and Hazrat Umar (ra). One was to his right side, and the other to his left and he had hold of their hand. He stated, “This is how we shall be raised on the Day of Judgement.”
(Sunan al-Tirmidhi, Kitab al-Manaqib, Bab Qaulih li Abi Bakr (ra)wa Umar (ra): Hakadha Nub’athu Yaum al-Qiyamah, Hadith 3669)
Abdullah bin Hantab relates that the Holy Prophet (sa) once saw Hazrat Abu Bakr (ra) and Hazrat Umar (ra) and said, “They are both eyes and ears.”
(Sunan al-Tirmidhi, Kitab al-Manaqib, Bab Qaulih fihima hadhani al-Sam wa al-Basar, Hadith 3671)
Hazrat Jabir bin Abdillah relates that Hazrat Umar (ra) said to Hazrat Abu Bakr (ra), “O ye who is the best man after the Messenger (sa) of Allah!” Thereupon, Hazrat Abu Bakr (ra)replied, “If this is what you say, I tell you that I heard the Holy Prophet (sa) state, ‘The sun has not set upon anyone greater than Umar.’”
(Sunan al-Tirmidhi, Kitab al-Manaqib, Bab Qaulih li Abi Bakr (ra)wa Umar (ra): Ya Khair al-Nas Ba‘d Rasulsa Allah, Hadith 3684)
Hazrat Ibn Umar narrates that the Holy Prophet (sa) said, “I am the first person for whom the earth shall be rent asunder, followed by Abu Bakr, then Umar. Then I shall go to the dwellers of Baqi‘ and they shall be raised with me. Then I shall wait for the people of Mecca until I shall be raised between the two holy cities.”
(Sunan al-Tirmidhi, Kitab al-Manaqib, Bab Ana Awwal man Tuhshaqu anhu al-Ard…, Hadith 3692)
Hazrat Abdullah (ra) bin Mas‘ud relates that the Holy Prophet (sa) stated, “One of the dwellers of Paradise is coming to you.” Hazrat Abu Bakr (ra)then came. The Holy Prophet (sa) once more said “One of the dwellers of Paradise is coming to you,” after which Hazrat Umar (ra) came.
(Sunan al-Tirmidhi, Kitab al-Manaqib, Bab Akhbarih ‘an Itla’Rajul min Ahl al-Jannah…, Hadith 3694)
Hazrat Abu Hurairah (ra) narrates that the Holy Prophet (sa) was standing on Mount Hira when it began shaking. The Holy Prophet (sa) then said, “Remain still, O Hira, for there is none upon this mount except for a prophet, siddiq [truthful] or a shaheed [a martyr].” On the mount at the time stood the Holy Prophet (sa), Hazrat Abu Bakr (ra), Hazrat Umar (ra), Hazrat Uthman (ra), Hazrat Ali (ra), Hazrat Talha (ra) bin Ubaidillah, Hazrat Zubair (ra) bin al-Awwam and Hazrat Sa‘d (ra) bin Abi Waqas.
(Sahih Muslim, Kitab Faza‘il as-Sahabah, Bab Faza‘il Talhah wa Zubair, Hadith 2417)
Hazrat Rubayy bint Mu‘awwiz (ra) relates:
“My uncle Hazrat Mu‘az bin Afraa (ra) handed me some fresh dates, and sent me to the Holy Prophet (sa). The Holy Prophet (sa) in turn gave me some jewellery which had been gifted to him by the governor of Bahrain.” In another narration Hazrat Rubayy bint Mu‘awwiz (ra) relates, “My uncle Hazrat Mu‘az (ra) handed me a gift to take to the Holy Prophet (sa) and in return he gave me some jewellery which he had received from the governor of Bahrain.”
Allamah Ibn Athir writes, “The governor of Bahrain and other kings only started to send gifts to the Holy Prophet (sa) when Islam had spread and strengthened, and after he had sent letters to these kings. He [the governor] too was among those who sent back letters and also gifts.”
(Usdul Ghabah, Vol. 5, p. 192, Mu’az bin al-Harith bin Rifa‘ah, Dar-ul-Kutub al-Ilmiyyah, Beirut, 2003)
Hazrat Jabir bin Abdullah bin Amr bin Haram (ra) relates, “My father once instructed me to prepare some Harira and I did so.”
Harira is a famous dish which is prepared from flour, butter and water. However, according to the lexicon of Hadith, Harira is prepared from flour and milk. In any case, he relates: “Upon my father’s instruction I took the Harira and presented it before the Holy Prophet (sa). The Holy Prophet (sa) was in his residence at the time and asked, ‘O Jabir, is this meat?’ I submitted, ‘O Messenger (sa) of Allah, no, it is Harira. I prepared this upon the instructions of my father, who then told me to present this before you, and so I have come.’ After this, I returned to my father and he asked whether I saw the Holy Prophet (sa). I replied that I did and my father then enquired whether the Holy Prophet (sa) said anything to me. I told my father that the Holy Prophet (sa) asked me whether it was meat that I had brought. Upon hearing this, my father thought that perhaps the Holy Prophet (sa) desired to eat meat and so slaughtered a goat and then cooked its meat and told me to take it and present it before the Holy Prophet (sa).”
Hazrat Jabir (ra) continues to relate: “I presented the goat meat before the Holy Prophet (sa) and the Holy Prophet (sa) stated, ‘O Allah! Grant reward to the Ansar from me, particularly Abdullah (ra) bin Amr bin Haram and Sa‘d (ra) bin Ubadah.’”
(al-Mustadrak Ala al-Sahihain, Vol. 5, pp. 39-40, Kitabul At’imah, Dar-ul-Fikr, Beirut, 2001) (Fath-ul-Bari, Kitabul At‘imah Vol. 9, p. 678, Qadimi Kutub Khana, Karachi) (Jahangeer Urdu Lughat, p. 649, Jahangeer Books, Lahore) (Lexicon, part 2 p. 539 London 1865)
Hazrat Abu Usaid (ra) relates that the Holy Prophet (sa) once stated that the best households among the Ansar were from the tribes of the Banu Najjar, Banu Abd Ash‘al, Banu Harith bin Khazraj and then Banu Sa‘idah and that every house of the Ansar was full of goodness. This tradition is from Sahih al-Bukhari. Upon hearing this, Hazrat Sa‘d (ra) bin Ubadah, who was from among the prominent companions (ra) in Islam, stated that it seemed as if the Holy Prophet (sa) held the other households of the other tribes superior to them. However, he was told that the Holy Prophet (sa) had also established his rank higher than many other people.”
(Sahih al-Bukhari, Kitab Manaqib al-Ansar, Bab Manqabah Sa‘d bin Ubadah, Hadith 3807)
Hazrat Abu Usaid (ra) testified that the Holy Prophet (sa) stated that the best households among the Ansar were the Banu Najjar, Banu Abd Ahsh‘al, Banu Harith bin Khazraj and then Banu Sa‘idah and that every house of the Ansar was filled with goodness. The narrator of this tradition, Abu Salma, states that Hazrat Abu Usaid (ra) stated, “I am accused of fabricating this tradition, however if that was the case, then I would have mentioned the name of my tribe first, i.e., the Banu Sa‘idah.”
When Hazrat Sa‘d (ra) bin Ubadah heard this, he also felt this in his heart. In the previous narration it also mentioned that he expressed that the Holy Prophet (sa) had listed them last among the four. So, he asked for the saddle to be fastened on his donkey and so he could present himself before the Holy Prophet (sa). Hazrat Sa‘d (ra) bin Ubadah’s nephew, Sahl, said to him, “Are you going to the Holy Prophet (sa) to challenge the statement of his and enquire about the order [of the tribes] the Holy Prophet (sa) mentioned, when the truth is that that the Holy Prophet(sa) knows better? Is it not sufficient enough for you that you are also one of the four?” And so, Hazrat Sa‘d (ra) bin Ubadah abandoned his plan and stated that Allah and His Messenger (sa) know better. He then instructed his saddle to be loosened from the donkey. This narration is from Sahih Muslim.
(Sahih Muslim, Kitab Fada‘il al-Ansar, Bab fi Khair Daur al-Ansar, Hadith 6425)
Qais bin Sa‘d (ra), the son of Hazrat Sa‘d (ra) bin Ubadah, relates, “When the Holy Prophet (sa) came to meet us at our home, he greeted them, saying ‘Assalamu Alaikum Wa Rahmatullah’ (peace and blessings of Allah be upon you)”, i.e., the Holy Prophet (sa) conveyed his peace to them. Qais (ra) then further narrates, “My father, Sa‘d (ra) replied in a low voice. So I asked him, ‘Will you not call the Holy Prophet (sa) inside?’ Hazrat Sa‘d (ra) answered his son, saying ‘Allow the Holy Prophet (sa) to send down further blessings upon us.’ The Holy Prophet (sa) then greeted them once more before departing.”
That is to say when the Holy Prophet (sa) conveyed his peace, he answered in a low tone so that the Holy Prophet (sa) would once again convey his greetings, and in turn, their home would be blessed again. In any case, he narrates, “The Holy Prophet (sa) departed after saying Salam once more, so Sa‘d (ra) followed behind and said, ‘O Messenger (sa) of Allah, I heard your greetings and answered in a low voice so that you may send down further blessings upon us.’ Hence, the Holy Prophet (sa) returned with Hazrat Sa‘d (ra). Hazrat Sa‘d (ra) then asked the Holy Prophet (sa) if he would like some water to wash, and so he did. Hazrat Sa‘d (ra) then presented the Holy Prophet (sa) with a cloth dyed with saffron or wars, a yellow plant which grows in Yemen, which is used to dye clothes. The Holy Prophet (sa) wrapped it around himself, then raised his hands and prayed, ‘O Allah, send down your blessings and mercy upon the progeny of Sa‘d (ra) bin Ubadah.’”
(Usdul Ghabah, Vol. 2, pp. 441- 442, Sa‘d bin Ubadah (ra), Dar-ul-Kutub al-Ilmiyyah, Beirut, 2003) (Umdatul Qari Sharh Sahih al-Bukhari, Vol. 2, p. 222, Daul Fikr, Beirut)
In relation to this account, the narration of Hazrat Anas (ra) states that once the Holy Prophet (sa) wished to enter the house of Hazrat Sa‘d (ra) bin Ubadah and said, “Assalamu Alaikum Wa Rahmatullah”. Hazrat Sa‘d (ra) replied, “Wa Alaikumus Salam Wa Rahmatullah” in a low voice, which the Holy Prophet (sa) did not hear. The Holy Prophet (sa) then conveyed his Salam three times and each time Hazrat Sa‘d (ra) answered in the same manner, whereby the Holy Prophet (sa) could not hear him. Therefore, the Holy Prophet (sa) returned. Hazrat Sa‘d (ra) then went after the Holy Prophet (sa) and said, “O Messenger (sa) of Allah, may my parents be sacrificed for you, every time you said Salam, I heard it with my own ears and answered in a way whereby you could not hear my voice. My only desire was to receive as much of your prayers and blessings as possible.”
He then brought the Holy Prophet (sa) to his home and presented raisins before him. The Holy Prophet (sa) ate them and said, “May the pious people continue to eat from your home, may the angels send down their merciful prayers and may those observing the fast open their fasts in your home.” i.e. the Holy Prophet (sa) prayed for him.
(Musnad Ahmad bin Hanbal, Vol. 4, pp. 356-357, Musnad Anas bin Malik, Hadith 12433, Alamul Kutub, Beirut, 1998)
Allama ibn Sireen states, “When night would descend, the companions (ra) would take one or two people from the Ashaab-e-Suffa to their homes and give them food. Hazrat Sa‘d (ra) bin Ubadah would take 80 companions home and feed them.”
(Al-Isabah Fi Tamyeez al-Sahabah, Vol. 3, p. 56, Sa‘d bin Ubadah, Dar-ul-Kutub al Ilmiyyah, Beirut, 1995)
In other words, this would be the case on many occasions, however, there are narrations in which it is recorded that there were days in which the Ashab-e-Suffa companions (ra) would remain without food. Nonetheless, the companions (ra) would look after these poorer companions, who would sit near the home of the Holy Prophet (sa). Hazrat Sa‘d (ra) bin Ubadah would especially take care of these companions (ra). A year after migrating to Medina, in the month of Safar, the Holy Prophet (sa) set out for Abwah, which is located 23 miles from Juhfa, in the direction of Mecca from Medina. This was also the place where the grave of Hazrat Amina, the mother of the Holy Prophet (sa), was situated. The colour of the Holy Prophet’s (sa) flag was white. On this occasion, the Holy Prophet (sa) appointed Hazrat Sa‘d (ra) bin Ubadah as his Amir [representative] in Medina.
(Al-Tabaqaatul-Kubra li ibn Sa‘d, Vol. 2, p. 5, Ghazwatul Abwaa, Dar-ul-Kutub al-Ilmiyyah, Beirut, 1990) (Atlas Sirat Nabwi (sa), p. 84, Darul Islam, 1424A.H.)
With regard to Hazrat Uthman (ra) being blessed with the companionship of the Holy Prophet (sa) in Paradise, Hazrat Talha (ra) bin Ubaidillah narrates that the Holy Prophet (sa) stated, “Every prophet has a friend, and my friend is Uthman”, i.e. who will be with him in Paradise.
(Jami‘ al-Tirmidhi, Abwab al-Manaqib, Bab wa Rafiqi fi Jannah Uthman, Hadith 3698)
Hazrat Jabir (ra) narrates, “On one occasion we were in a house with the Holy Prophet (sa) and a group of the Muhajireen companions. Among those present were Abu Bakr, Umar, Uthman, Ali, Talha, Zubair, Abdur Rahman bin Auf and Saad bin Abi Waqas. The Holy Prophet (sa) stated, ‘Everyone of you stand next to their companion.’ The Holy Prophet (sa) then stood next to Hazrat Uthman (ra) and embracing him, the Holy Prophet (sa) said to him:
اَنْتَ وَلِيِّ فِي الدُّنْيَا وَ وَلِيِّ فِي الْاٰخِرَةِ
“‘You are my friend in this life and in the Hereafter.’”
(Majma al-Zawa‘id wa Manba al-Fawa‘id, Kitab al-Manaqib, Bab Mawalatuh, Hadith 14528, Vol. 9, p. 66, Dar al-Kutub al-Ilmiyyah, Beirut, 2001)
Abu Sahla, the freed slave of Hazrat Uthman (ra), narrates:
“On Yaum al-Dar”, i.e. the day on which the rebels besieged Hazrat Uthman (ra) and martyred him, “I said to Hazrat Uthman, ‘O Leader of the Faithful! Fight against these people who are causing disorder.’ Hazrat Abdullah (ra) also said, ‘O Leader of the Faithful! Fight against these people who are causing disorder.’ Hazrat Uthman (ra) said, ‘By Allah! I shall not fight them. The Holy Prophet (sa) had made a promise to me and I wish for that to be fulfilled.’”
(Ali Ibn al-Athir, Usd al-Ghabah fi Ma‘rifat al-Sahabah, Vol. 3, Uthman (ra) bin Affan [Beirut, Lebanon: Dar al-Kutub al-Fikr, 2003], p. 483)
With regards to the narrations about Hazrat Abdullah bin Amr bin Haram, it is mentioned that he said to his son, “For the debt, which I owe to one of the Jews, you should sell the fruits from the orchard and return it to him upon my martyrdom.”
(Sahih Al-Bukhari, Kitabul Janaiz, Hadith No. 1351)
Thus, in line with this narration, he paid it back accordingly.
Moreover, it was the custom in those days that people would borrow money against the assurance to pay it back through the potential yield of orchards and crops. Thus, Hazrat Jabir also used to borrow money in order to cover his expenses.
We find one detailed narration regarding how he once said to a Jewish man at the time of paying back his debt, that since the profit from the orchard had been poor or that it was expected to be low due to a poor yield that year, thus, he should be lenient regarding paying back the debt. He should take some of it now and the rest in the coming years. However, the Jewish man was not ready to grant any respite.
During these difficult circumstances, Hazrat Abdullah bin Jabir went to see the Holy Prophet (sa) or the Holy Prophet (sa) found out about it himself. The Holy Prophet (sa) appealed to the Jewish man, but he did not agree. The narration then recounts how the Holy Prophet (sa) showed kindness to this companion with regards to paying off his debt and prayed for him and also how God Almighty bestowed His grace upon him.
I would like to point out that some people are of the opinion that this narration is in connection with the aforementioned narration in which it was said that Hazrat Abdullah bin Amr, the father of Hazrat Jabir, advised his son to pay back the debt that he owed. Nonetheless, as I mentioned earlier that the yield was poor and it was difficult to pay back that debt and this was brought to the attention of the Holy Prophet (sa).
However, the narration found in Sahih Al-Bukhari indicates that this particular incident occurred much later. Nevertheless, whatever the case may be, it illustrates the kindness of the Holy Prophet (sa) towards his companions and shows the miraculous nature of his prayers.
Hazrat Jabir bin Abdullah narrates, “There was a Jewish man residing in Medina who used to loan me some money until my orchard of dates had produced the next yield. This land of mine was situated on the way to a well, named Roma. Once, a whole year had passed but it bore little fruit and even they were not fully ripe. During the harvest season, the Jewish man, as was his custom, came to acquire repayment of the loan taken from him. However, I had not harvested any fruit that year.” He further says, “I requested respite from him for another year, but he refused. He intended that perhaps in this way the entire orchard would fall into his possession. When the Holy Prophet (sa) was informed about this incident, he said to his companions, ‘Let us go to request respite from the Jewish man on behalf of Jabir.’”
He then says, “The Holy Prophet (sa) along with a few companions, entered my orchard and spoke to the Jewish man. However, he said ‘O Abu Qasim! I will not give him any respite.’ He addressed the Holy Prophet (sa) in this manner. Observing this conduct of the Jewish man, the Holy Prophet (sa) walked around the date palms once and again spoke to him. However, he refused again. During this time, I took some dates from the garden and presented them to the Holy Prophet (sa), which he ate. Following this, he said ‘Jabir, where is the canopy (where one takes rest), which is commonly found in orchards?’ I informed the Holy Prophet (sa) of its location, upon which he said, ‘Lay down a mat for me there so that I may rest for a short while.’”
He then continues the narration, “I acted in accordance with this guidance. The Holy Prophet (sa) fell asleep. When he woke up, I once again brought him a handful of dates, from which he ate a few. He then stood up and spoke to the Jewish man once again. Yet, he still refused. The Holy Prophet (sa) walked around the garden again and said to me, ‘Jabir, harvest the dates and pay off the loan taken from the Jewish man’. I started to harvest the fruit and in the meantime, the Holy Prophet (sa) stood among the date palms. I harvested the fruit and repaid the entire loan taken from the Jewish man, yet even then some dates were left over. I informed the Holy Prophet (sa) of this good news to which he replied, ‘I bear witness that I am the Messenger of Allah.’”
(Sahih Al-Bukhari, Kitabul At’amah, Hadith No. 5443).
(This miraculous event transpired because God Almighty hears my prayers and blesses my endeavours.)
Thus, from this incident where we observe the kindness and the acceptance of the prayers of the Holy Prophet (sa) – as a result of which the fruit was blessed – at the same time we also witness the eagerness of the companions in relation to paying off their debts.
This spirit should be the distinctive characteristic of a true believer. At times, we see in our society that despite calling ourselves Ahmadis, we do not pay any heed towards this and prolong the matter of paying off debts. Sometimes years pass by in which the lawsuits are ongoing. Therefore we should always be mindful of this and also remember the words of the Promised Messiah(as) where he stated that having taken the oath of allegiance with him, one should adopt and follow the examples of the companions. Only then can that beautiful society be established, which was destined following the advent of the Mahdi and the Messiah.
(Malfuzat, Vol. 7, p. 413)
There is another narration by Hazrat Jabir in relation to the importance of paying off debts. However before I relate this, I will mention another incident. In some narrations it is stated that when Hazrat Umar (ra) learnt that the debt had been paid off, he also arrived at the same place. The Holy Prophet (sa) said to Hazrat Umar (ra) to ask Hazrat Jabir about the incident that had just occurred. Hazrat Umar (ra) replied, “There is no need for me to ask. The reason for this is that when you walked around the garden once, I was certain that his entire debt would now be paid off. Furthermore, when you walked around the second time, this certainty grew even stronger.”
(Sahih Al-Bukhari, Kitabul Istiqraaz, Hadith No. 2396)
Hazrat Khalid bin Walid (ra) narrates, “Hazrat Ammar (ra) and I had a conversation during which I adopted a rather stern tone. Hazrat Ammar (ra) went to the Holy Prophet (sa) to complain about me. I also reached there athe time he was complaining to the Holy Prophet (sa) about me. I treated him rather harshly there as well. The Holy Prophet (sa) sat there silently and did not utter a single word. Hazrat Ammar(ra) began crying and said: ‘O Messenger of Allah (sa), do you not see Khalid’s condition?’ The Holy Prophet (sa) raised his head and said, ‘Whoever possesses enmity towards Ammar, then God will become such a person’s enemy and whoever holds a grudge against Ammar, then God will hold a grudge against such a person.’” Hazrat Khalid bin Walid (ra) said, “There was nothing dearer to me at that moment apart from finding a way to please Hazrat Ammar (ra).” Hazrat Khalid (ra) further says, “I met Hazrat Ammar and apologised to him and he became happy with me.”
(Usdul Ghaaba, Vol. 4, p. 125, Ammar bin Yasir, Dar-ul-Kutub-ul-Ilmiyyah, 1996, Beirut)
The details of this have been recorded in one place where Ashtar narrates that he heard Hazrat Khalid (ra) bin Waleed saying, “The Holy Prophet (sa) sent me as part of an expedition for a battle. With me was also Hazrat Ammar bin Yasir (ra). During this expedition we reached a group of people among whom one household was speaking about Islam. Hazrat Ammar (ra) said that those particular people were those who believed in the Oneness of God, but I did not pay any great attention to this and treated them in the same manner as I did everyone else. Hazrat Ammar (ra) kept warning me that when he would meet the Holy Prophet (sa) he would mention this to him. Later, Hazrat Ammar(ra) went to the Holy Prophet (sa) and mentioned everything, but when he saw that the Holy Prophet (sa) was not supporting him, i.e. he remained silent, Hazrat Ammar (ra) returned with tears in his eyes.” Khalid (ra) bin Waleed says, “The Holy Prophet (sa) called me and said, ‘O Khalid, do not reproach Ammar because whosoever reproaches him God Almighty will in return hold him accountable. And whosoever holds any malice in his heart against Ammar and deems him to be ignorant, will himself be considered as an ignorant one in the sight of God.’”
(Al-Mustadrak Ala Al-Sahihain, Vol. 2, p. 477, Hadith 5737, Dar-ul-Haramain Li Al-Taba’ati Wa Al-Nashre Wa Al-Tauzi, 1997)
Hazrat Alira relates, “I was sat with the Holy Prophet (sa) when Hazrat Ammar bin Yasir (ra) asked to come forward. The Holy Prophet (sa) allowed him to do so and said, ‘Welcome O pure and chaste one!’”
(Sunan Ibn Maaja, Kitaab Fi Fazail Ashaab-ul-Rasool – Fazl Ammar bin Yasir, Hadith 146)
Thus, this was the honour that the Holy Prophet (sa) conferred upon him.
Another narration of the Holy Prophet (sa), with regard to the status of Hazrat Umar (ra), is as follows. Hazrat Uqbah bin Amir (ra) relates that the Holy Prophet (sa) said, “If there were to be a prophet after me, it would most certainly be Umar bin al-Khattab”
(Sunan al-Tirmidhi, Kitab al-Manaqib, Bab Law Kana Nabiyy Ba’di la Kana Umar (ra), Hadith 3686). That is, if there were to be a prophet immediately after the Holy Prophet (sa) [it would have been Hazrat Umar (ra)], otherwise the Holy Prophet (sa) has himself declared the Messiah and Mahdi to come as the “Prophet of Allah”. (Sahih Muslim, Kitab al-Fitan, Bab Dhikr al-Dajjal wa Sifatih wa ma ma’ah, Hadith 7373)
According to another narration, upon the demise of Hazrat Umm Kulthum (ra), the Holy Prophet (sa) stated, “If I had a third daughter, I would have also married her to Uthman.”
(Ibn Saad, Al-Tabaqat al-Kubra, Vol. 3, Uthman (ra) bin Affan [Beirut, Lebanon: Dar Ihya al-Turath al-‘Arabi, 1996], p. 32)
It is narrated by Hazrat Hassan (ra) that Hazrat Amr (ra) bin al-Aas said, “I hope that Allah will not cast an individual, whom the Messenger (sa) of Allah loved till the day of his demise, into hell.” The people said, “We observed that the Holy Prophet (sa) used to love you and also appointed you as a governor.” Hazrat Amr (ra) bin al-Aas replied, “Allah knows best, whether the Holy Prophet (sa) used to love me or said it to grant comfort to my heart. However, there was one individual whom we saw being loved by him.” People asked, “Who was that individual?” Hazrat Amr (ra) bin al-Aas said, “Hazrat Ammar bin Yassir (ra) was that individual to whom the Holy Prophet (sa) always showed affection.” Upon hearing this, the people said, “Was it not you, who killed him during the Battle of Siffin?” Hazrat Amr (ra) bin al-Aas was supporting Amir Muawiyah during that battle. Hazrat Amr (ra) bin al-Aas replied, “By God! We were the ones, who killed him.”
It is mentioned in another narration that Hazrat Amr (ra) bin al-Aas stated, “I am a witness regarding two people whom the Messenger (sa) of Allah loved till the day of their demise. They were Hazrat Abdullah (ra) bin Mas‘ud and Hazrat Ammar bin Yassir (ra).”
(At-Tabaqat Al-Kubra, Vol. 3, p. 199, Ammar bin Yassir, Dar Ihya At-turath Al-Arabi, 1990, Beirut)
It is related by Hazrat Anas (ra) that the Holy Prophet (sa) said, “Paradise yearns for Hazrat Ali (ra), Hazrat Ammar (ra), Hazrat Salman (ra) and Hazrat Bilal (ra).”
(Al-Isti‘ab, Vol. 3, p. 1138, Yassir bin Ammar, Darul Jaleel, Beirut, 1992)
Hazrat Huzaifah (ra) narrates, “We were sitting alongside the Holy Prophet (sa) when he stated, ‘I am unaware of how long I will remain amongst you. Thus, you should follow these people when I am gone.’ The Holy Prophet (sa) was pointing, at the time, towards Hazrat Abu Bakr (ra) and Hazrat Umar (ra), and said, ‘Adopt the way of Ammar (ra) and attest to whatever Ibn-e-Masud (ra) says to you.’”
(Sunan Al-Tirmadhi, Abwaab-ul-Munaaqib, Baab Munaaqib, Ammar bin Yassir, Hadith 3799)
Hazrat Umm Atiyya (ra) relates that the Holy Prophet (sa) sent an army [for an expedition] and Hazrat Ali (ra) was also a part of it. She states that she heard the Holy Prophet (sa) recite the following prayer: “O Allah, do not cause me to die until You show me Ali.”
(Ali Ibn al-Athir, Usd al-Ghabah fi Ma‘rifat al-Sahabah, Vol. 4, Dhikr ‘Ali bin Abi Talib [Beirut, Lebanon: Dar al-Fikr, 2003], 100)
The Holy Prophet (sa) sent Hazrat Ali (ra) on a military expedition and when he returned, the Holy Prophet (sa) stated to him, “Allah, His Messenger (sa) and Gabriel are pleased with you.”
(Kanz al-Ummal, Vol. 13, p. 107, Hadith 36349, Mu’assisat al-Risalah, Beirut, 1985)
Hazrat Anas bin Malik (ra) states that on one occasion, a sudden panic spread in Medina. The Holy Prophet (sa) took the horse of Hazrat Abu Talha (ra) which was not swift, or perhaps it moved slowly. When the Holy Prophet (sa) returned, he said to Hazrat Abu Talha (ra) that he found his horse to have moved like a flowing river, i.e. that it moved at great speed. After this incident, no other horse could keep up in pace with the horse of Hazrat Abu Talha (ra).
(Sahih al-Bukhari, Kitabul Jihad wa As-Siyar, Bab al-Farasu al-Qutuf, Hadith 2867)
Jumai bin Umair states, “I went to Hazrat Aisha (ra) with my aunt, who asked her, ‘Who was the most beloved to the Holy Prophet (sa)?’ to which she replied, ‘Fatimah’. She then asked, ‘And who was it from among the men?’ Hazrat Aisha (ra) replied, ‘Her husband, Hazrat Ali (ra)’.
(Sunan al-Tirmidhi, Kitab al-Manaqib, Hadith 3874)